© 2024
Romantic Chorus Material
Romantic Chorus is an ensemble animated documentary created by filmmakers Jeff M. Giordano and Aaron Gwynn. Based on their interests in open relationships, the two made the documentary within three years, from 2018 to 2020, with 21 interviewees and 17 animators from around the world. Being one of the animators, I spent four to five months animating on what ended up becoming my first feature-film credit.
Screening online and through festivals, Romantic Chorus is a highly inspirational feature worth showcasing in any sex studies class, let alone to someone on a first date. It has also been used for me to showcase my pride towards inclusivity and tolerance.
Below are my three individual segments made for the film, all completely different in theme yet intellectually profound. In addition, numerous production storyboards, layouts and concept art have survived. All animation was done by hand, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects & Premiere Pro.
link to film online: https://romanticchorus.com/
Anthology Segments
Anthology Segments
Accepting Loneliness (Fear Interview)
Where Could the Future be Heading with potentially Advanced Technology? (Sex Interview)
How Far can One Sink through Social Media? (Sex Interview)
BTS Animation
Production Concept Art
This was done for the Social Media segment by means of establishing where the narrator was describing her worries.
A visual metaphor for how the internet views all of us as cogs in the machine.
A drawing that would end up being used for the Social Media sketch.
This was done for the Social Media segment by means of establishing where the narrator was describing her worries.